Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why be suprised??? That's just what he does!

If you are a Bible student you are very familiar with the dozens of scriptures about the Power of God....Miracles....Expecting Great Things. Over the last several years God has shown me things and came through for me in ways I never imagined. He has made a way out of no way, caused unseen blessings, opened doors, closed doors, changed hearts in my favor etc on numerous occasions. I have learned to TOTALLY depend on him, because I know now that there is no other way.

Recently, the Lord opened two huge doors for me. Its funny because although I was very happy and thankful, I found myself almost unfazed...and these were two HUGE doors! Its funny though because I know I am a child of God, I have committed my ways to Him, I trust in Him and lean not to my own understanding like Proverbs says to do and now I have a feeling of expectancy! I was almost unfazed by the two open doors because God has promised me these great things would happen if I obey him, believe and remain now to me its like "of course these great things happened...God has already promised it". He's my Father, why wouldn't these great things happen. Also he's done it so many times in the past. Don't get me wrong...I am very grateful and I know its only because of his love and mercy because I do not because of myself deserve it. However, I know God only has the best for me and that's what I expect.

Lebron James is a remarkable, almost supernatural basketball player, but how many times have his teammates seen him defy the laws of gravity and physics? How many unfathomable feats have they been witness too? There has to come a time, when he does something completely remarkable to the average person, his teammates have to say ehhh "that's Lebron....and that's what he does!". Everyday I expect greatness, and unimaginable favor from my God....that's what I signed up for.


  1. I truly appreciate this post Ponce, every now and then we all need reminders and this was an excellent reminder, thank you!

  2. You're welcome Annishia...I'm glad you take the time to read my ramblings! Thank you for the encouragement.
