Sunday, March 13, 2011

The maiden voyage into the mind of Lamir Media Founder, Ponce Lamir

Today I embark on a voyage into the endless boundaries of thought, rhyme and reason.

As a foresight into the direction I'm going to take this, you can expect to hear my thoughts on my beloved city Detroit, MI as well as the state as a whole. The Motor City, Motown, D-Town, The "D".....whatever you choose to call it, Detroit and its residents have made some of the largest contributions to life as we know it today. Detroit has all but created, defined and refined the car industry and the music industry. Metro Detroit has spawned some of the greatest business minds, political minds, activists and entertainers the world has ever seen! Icons from our 38th President Gerald Ford to arguably the best female entertainer of all time, Madonna have at one time or another called Michigan home.

I am a native of Detroit and proud of it. Currently Detroit is experiencing some very hard times, however it is this very type of intense pressure that transforms coal into diamonds. Detroit is a blue collar town forged in the heat of adversity. Detroit and its surrounding cities are filled with people who are mentally, emotionally and physically tough. Every year we endure hard, cold winters; we have been to the mountain top and we've been low in the valley but one thing we never do is quit!

Where there is challenge there is opportunity, where there is despair, there is hope. WE ARE DETROIT....AND THIS IS WHAT WE DO!

I'll be using this blog to share and chronicle my adventures, experiences, challenges and accomplishments here in helping to polish off the political and social stains left on our great jewel of a community.

Thank you for listening

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